Download Electric Piano Map for Minecraft PE: learn how to play a musical instrument right in the cubic world, and explore its possibilities right now.
Electric Piano Map for Minecraft Bedrock Edition
For users who want to try something new in Minecraft PE or spend time in the game more creatively, the authors have come up with a great way out. The fact is that on these maps, the heroes will find the most authentic musical instruments.
They are powered by redstone and command blocks and are quite impressive in size. Step on the keys and come up with a unique melody or just have fun right now with Electric Piano Map.
Command Block
Immediately after spawning on this map, the player finds himself next to an impressive-sized tool. This piano is a simplified version of the standard one because it has almost half as many keys.
However, Minecraft Bedrock Edition players will be able to play sounds or even compose a melody. Install this update for Electric Piano Map and turn on the device using the lever on the left.
After that, just step on the keys and extract the sounds. It is interesting and informative, and if you practice a little, you can even compose some melody.
Electric Piano
This time, Minecraft PE players will receive an advanced sound extraction device with many different functions and usage rules. Like the previous version, the piano works thanks to the command blocks, of which there are almost a hundred.
To start using the instrument on this Electric Piano Map, players need to familiarize themselves with the rules:
Place the armor stand on the keys to start playing;
Go to the left side of the device, where the useful buttons are located. With their help, you can fix mistakes, learn how to manage, and get a rack for armor;
In the middle, there are buttons for changing the design from standard to wooden or sandstone.