Minecraft PE

Minecraft PE

Download Minecraft PE 1.20
31 August 2023
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Download Minecraft for Android Free: Continue your exciting adventures in the cubic world, find out what innovations have appeared in it, and use the maximum possibilities.

Minecraft Trails & Tales Update

In the process of development, the cubic world does not stop delighting its users with new features. The developers of Mojang Studios note that the changes in trade with residents have not yet been completed and will be in an experimental state until it is necessary.

Some changes in Minecraft PE affected the mechanics of mob behavior. Now creatures such as Drowned, Husk, Zombie, and, of course, Zombie Villager will set fire to their opponent if they burn themselves at the time of the attack. Another innovation of this version is that balloons can be attached to camels and Sniffers.


Almost a year has passed since the first appearance of the Sniffer in the cubic world, and many users have already managed to get acquainted with the main features of this mob. But for those who have not yet met an ancient creature in the vast expanses of boundless space, it will be helpful to know that he is famous for his impeccable sense of smell.

The Sniffer uses this feature of its own to find plant seeds in the ground and eat them. In Minecraft, players can breed and tame it with Torchflower.

Villages without inhabitants

Developers announced a very unusual feature in previous versions, and in Minecraft PE it is already available to users in total. Creating your village without residents can be a way for them to try something new. Diversify the gameplay, and, perhaps, inspire them to create something unusual.


But in the standard version of the settlement, players will also be interested, because the functionality of one of the residents was greatly expanded in Minecraft

Now the librarian has the opportunity to sell enchantments and magical abilities. In each of the biomes, they will be different, so it is worth going on a trip throughout the cubic world.

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  • What new features have appeared in MCPE
    Creating a village without inhabitants.
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