Minecraft PE

Minecraft PE

Download Minecraft PE
13 August 2023
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(51 vote, Rating: 3.3 out of 5)


Download the full version of the Caves & Cliffs Minecraft update for Android with a working Xbox Live and get acquainted with new types of materials, unique objects in the form of colorful candles, and a spyglass which allows you to explore the cube more world more quickly.

Minecraft – What’s interesting?

Developers from Mojang Studios have released a new version of Minecraft Here they put a lot of emphasis on the generation of the world. Thanks to this, biomes and landscapes began to generate more naturally. Also, the developers have worked on the algorithm responsible for the transition from one biome to another.

Amethyst Geode

The most important part of the Minecraft update Caves and Mountains is the amethyst geode. With its help, you can get a new type of material – a precious crystal. It is worth noting that this structure has three words: outer, middle, and inner.

It is in the inner layer that the player can find amethyst buds. You can get them with any pickaxe. Also, when walking on amethyst blocks, they make pleasant sounds.


Also, an important part of the Minecraft PE update is the spyglass. With its help, exploring the updated cube world will become much easier.

To craft a telescope, you will have to use two copper ingots and one amethyst shard. In Minecraft Caves & Cliffs, you can discover valuable resources and structures from afar using this item.


The developers from Mojang Studios have not forgotten about adding less significant items to the Minecraft gameplay. These are the candles. It should be noted that up to four candles can be placed on one block.

Minecraft allows you to use many different colored candles. There are 16 different colors in total. They are suitable for a noisy birthday party or creating a scary atmosphere in caves and houses on horror maps.

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