Minecraft PE

Minecraft PE

Trails & Tales Update (Beta version)
7 September 2023
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Download Minecraft for Android Free: investigate the features of new biomes, decorate your equipment, or tame a new creature to get even more seeds.

Minecraft Trails & Tales Update

The creators are doing their best to make the game exciting, versatile, and stable. To do this, they do not stop working on mistakes and supplement the play process with new chips and innovations.

Thanks to their efforts, a bug was fixed in Minecraft PE due to which players could not use the boat if the block underwater was highlighted. It is worth noting that exploring the territory of the block space can become the most memorable and breathtaking event if you know some important points.

Cherry Forest

Recently, Cherry Forest has become the most popular and frequently visited location in the block space among users. This is quite expected because nothing like this has ever been in the game before.

Heroes who decide to visit this place in Minecraft will find it useful to know that ever-flowering trees grow in this biome. Their petals are suitable for creating a unique color of dye, and the wood can be used in the construction or creation of Signs or bookshelves.

Ruins of the Trail

Another place that every player should visit in Minecraft PE is the Ruins of the Trail structure. Most of this structure is located underground and that is where the heroes need to look for all the most interesting things.

For example, here you can find Suspicious blocks. As you know, they can store fragments of clay vessels, Templates for decorating equipment, or Sniffer eggs. By the way, to make the mob hatch faster, place the egg on the moss block.

New features

Among the new features that have become available to users in Minecraft, players can note the possibility of buying various effects and abilities from the Librarian.

Also now heroes can create their villages. The main difference between these locations and the standard ones is that there are no locals in them.

  • What resources can be obtained in the Cherry Grove?
    In Minecraft PE, it is wood and dye.
  • What does the Sniffer eat in MCPE
    Plant seeds.
  • What can be found in the Ruins of the Trail?
    Templates, Sniffer eggs, shards.
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