Minecraft PE

Minecraft PE

Download Minecraft PE 1.20
3 November 2022
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Download Minecraft PE with a working Xbox Live: evaluate all the changes right now and be sure to ride a camel across the vast expanses.

What is interesting in Minecraft

The development of the cubic world is such an organic process that all users watch with interest how their favorite game changes. In Minecraft PE, it becomes possible to evaluate changes in the camel animation.

The developers also made some changes to the Spectator Mode and added new buttons to control the Chiseled Bookshelf.

Spectator Mode

The mode fully implemented in the game continues to change to become more convenient and correct. This is a great opportunity for players to learn something new or share their experience with other users.

In Minecraft, developers have eliminated the possibility that viewers will be able to summon Warden with the help of Sculk Shrieker. They also would not be able to activate pressure plates or stealth sensors.

An important fact is that observers will not interfere with other players in the processes of their interaction with various objects, such as blocks or leversю.


A very beautiful and majestic animal has a proud gait in the real world. Therefore, the developers in Minecraft PE decided to change the walking animation for this mob and now it corresponds to its movement speed.

The spawn egg color has also been changed for this creature. Players can ride a camel and ride it to conquer the endless cubic world. Moreover, it can be done together with a friend, because two riders can be placed on his big back at once.

Chiseled Bookshelf

Unique Chiseled Bookshelf, which is now available for use, immediately became popular among users. This is quite obvious, given the opportunities they open up to the heroes.

In Minecraft, there is a player who will look at an object filled with books, the inscription Delete book will appear. If the item is not filled in, the Add button will appear.

  • How many players can ride a camel at the same time in MCPE
    Two players.
  • What changes have occurred in Minecraft PE in Spectator Mode?
    Spectators cannot summon Warden with Skulk Shrieker.
  • What can players use Chiselled Bookshelf for?
    To place books and quills, as well as to make a secret passage.
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