Minecraft PE 1.2.5

Minecraft PE 1.2.5

Download Minecraft PE 1.2.5
9 September 2023
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(61 vote, Rating: 3 out of 5)


Download Minecraft 1.2.5 full version with working Xbox Live for Android, and check out a new bird like the parrot!

What’s new in Minecraft PE 1.2.5?

Finally, the developers at Mojang have released the next version of Minecraft 1.2.5 in a series of Better Together updates. The game has many new features, blocks, items. In addition, the player can now meet a new generation in the form of a rift in the ground – a canyon.


Several new blocks were added to Minecraft 1.2.5.

Block name Description Receiving
Painted glass Semi-transparent decorative block. Available in 16 different colors. Glasses and matching dye
Banner The height of the player. Has a variety of colors and patterns. Can be framed. Wool blocks and stick
Jukebox The block used for playing records in Minecraft 1.2.5. The sound can be heard within a radius of 65 blocks. Planks and diamond
Coarse dirt Has a texture similar to normal earth. Can be used to get normal earth. Blocks of earth and gravel

A building block has also been added exclusively for Windows 10 Edition.

Other changes

In addition to the innovations, many other blocks in Minecraft 1.2.5 have undergone changes. For example, a beam emitted by a beacon can pass through painted glass. In this case, the beam will take on the color of the last glass.

And the shulker box, like glasses and flags, now has 16 colors. Also worth noting is the change related to emerald ore: in Minecraft Bedrock 1.2.5 it cannot be mined with a stone pickaxe.


Quite an interesting new creature in Minecraft  1.2.5. It lives mainly in the jungle and feeds on seeds. It is worth noting that you can tame a parrot using any seeds. After taming, just like a wolf or an ocelot, it begins to follow the player. Its distinctive feature is the ability to sit on the player’s shoulder.

  • How can I tame a parrot in Minecraft Bedrock 1.2.5?
  • Is it possible to somehow craft records?
  • What is a building block for?

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