Minecraft 1.17.32

Minecraft 1.17.32

Download Minecraft PE 1.17.32
20 August 2023
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(600 votes, Rating: 3 out of 5)

Download Minecraft PE 1.17.32 Release with a working Xbox Live and get acquainted with the new graphics in the game, as well as a new biome!

What’s new in Minecraft 1.17.32?

Less than a day after the new beta version, the developers at Mojang Studios released Minecraft 1.17.32. This version is a release. This means that the developers have eliminated many various bugs and are releasing a stable version of the game.

Stony Peaks

First of all, it is worth noting the appearance of the Stony Peaks in Minecraft 1.17.32 biome. This location is a very high mountain. As you know, usually high mountains in the cubic world were always covered with snow and had a cold climate.

But in the Stony Peaks biome, things are different. Here the user will come across a large number of different stones and gravel. The developers added this location to avoid temperature changes when changing biomes.

Render dragon

With the release of Minecraft Bedrock 1.17.32, players may notice some changes in the graphics of the game. All this is thanks to the new graphics engine – Render Dragon. However, this technology is still at the testing stage, so that it may work with some errors.


Another very interesting innovation in Minecraft 1.17.32 is generation below zero. Now the user will not see his usual bedrock at the zero level. Instead, there will be a deepslate, which will extend several dozen blocks down.

Thus, the developers decided to increase the depth of the world. After all, when connecting caves with the underwater world, there was not enough space.


During survival in Minecraft PE 1.17.32, the player has to explore the world around him a lot. To speed up this process, he can use a telescope. It allows you to examine blocks in detail at a distance of several tens of meters. The player will need two copper ingots and an amethyst shard to craft this item.

  • Can I tame a goat in Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.17.32?
    No, you can only milk it.
  • What do I do with a goat horn?
    You can utilize it to produce raid sounds.
  • What do I need to collect powder snow?
    You'll need a bucket.

Download Minecraft PE 1.17.32

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