Download Minecraft 1.17.30 free apk with working Xbox Live and discover the caves that have changed beyond recognition!
Minecraft PE 1.17.30 – What’s New?
Developers from Mojang Studios continue to work hard on the Caves & Cliffs Update. They made a lot of changes to the game. Also, work was done on the bugs. For many changes to work correctly, you need to activate the experimental game mode.
Graphics engine
With the release of Minecraft 1.17.30, a new graphics engine appeared in the game – Render Dragon. It is currently being tested on select Android devices. Render Dragon can make significant changes to the graphics of the game and make it significantly better.
Stony peaks
Minecraft 1.17.30 has a new biome called Stone Peaks. This biome consists of high mountains, on top of which there is no snow, as is usually the case. Instead of snow, there is a large number of various stones, as well as gravel. Thus, the developers decided to get rid of the problem of temperature collisions between different locations.
Generation in Minecraft 1.17.30 has undergone the most changes. First of all, it is worth noting that the height from block zero to -7 is a transition from ordinary stones to deepslate. Thus, level 0 is no longer the last in the game.
Up to the bedrock, the player will only encounter a deepslate instead of the usual stone. This layer can extend over several tens of blocks. Also, in Minecraft 1.17.30, clouds now appear at 192 blocks instead of 128.
Additional changes
Another change in the generation in Minecraft 1.17.30 was that outposts of pillagers began to generate in any mountain biome. Thus, the chance to stumble upon hostile creatures has increased significantly.
Do not forget that ice peaks are now again present in the game world. Also, from now on, the player can prevent the explosion of beds in Hell and the explosion of revival anchors in the normal world.