Download Backpack mod for Minecraft PE: try putting on from simple backpacks to exotic vanilla packs!
Backpack mod for Minecraft Bedrock Edition
Minecraft PE players often complain that they lack inventory space while surviving far from home in the cubic world. Since you can not carry a chest with you, it always became a huge problem. You are presented with this assembly of several Backpack Mod.
Bags and even vanilla items will make your life very easy. Use the Utility Mods for Minecraft Bedrock to facilitate some of the processes in the game.
This Backpack Mod is suitable for the earliest versions of the Minecraft Pocket Edition and, at the same time, is the most extensive. The game will feature two different backpacks, which will have several different styles.
The packs will vary significantly in capacity, with some containing 27 items and others more similar to a portable chest – 54. The craft of this objects may seem complicated enough for users.
The first step is to get a particular skin, combine it with threads. And make a bound skin, then make it in the oven nine doubles and finally scratch a small or large variants.
Vanilla Backpacks
The Backpack Mod for MCPE is the most interesting in the presented assembly. The bags that the player can use in this fashion are distinctly different from all the others. And as they will be full-fledged mobs, namely replaced parrots.
To begin with, you will have to make a short journey around the world and find one of the objects, after which you will have to conduct the domestication process with one emerald and paint in any color.
After all the machinations, item will jump on your back, and your inventory will be slotted as if you were carrying a single chest.
True Backpack
The author of this update for the Backpack Mod invites users to use useful items during their travels. This time, they can also be improved with additional items.
Make your adventures in MCPE even more interesting and diverse.