Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.22

Download the MCPE 1.22: explore the incredible expanses of Pale Garden, use Cactus Glower, and learn about the properties of unprecedented blocks.

Thanks to the constant efforts of the developers from Mojang Studios, players always have the opportunity to have a great time in the cubic world.

Download Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.22

This time, each hero has every chance to get a unique gaming experience by fighting with previously unseen creature called Creaking. Also, for construction enthusiasts, Minecraft PE 1.22 will give a lot of positive emotions and incredible impressions in Pale Garden. It is quite and dangerous place. Use Bundles of Bravery and check the Hardcore Mode.

Download the newest versions of your favorite game right now and enjoy the gameplay to the fullest. Now every player simply has to go to MCPE 1.22 in the Nether dimension and find the Dried Ghast there.
Then, in Overworld, place it in the water and wait for it to transform into a cute creature named Ghastling.