Download Realistic Damage Texture Pack for Minecraft PE: make the battle process in the block space more realistic, and add new particles to the game.
Realistic Damage Texture Pack for Minecraft Bedrock Edition
It is no secret that the creators of Minecraft PE are trying to make the battle process in the block space as unrealistic as possible. Although players use weapons, there is no blood or wounds on the body of the opponents during the defeat of the enemy.
The authors of these Texture Packs decided to fix the mechanics of the behavior and mobs if they take damage. In the first case, the hero will emit particles that can be customized at his discretion. The second variant of the Realistic Damage Texture Pack offers permanent changes in the appearance of mobs if they take damage.
Damage Particles
After installing this Texture Pack, special particles will appear in the block space. They will occur if a Minecraft Bedrock Edition player takes damage or dies.
Moreover, users in the Realistic Damage Texture Pack can choose from a huge number of options themselves. It does not have to be blood splatters or anything like that. For example, among the possible particles are rainbow, yellow, or in the form of hearts, as well as other objects.
Realistic Damage
Another update, which aims to create a more realistic atmosphere in Minecraft PE, is presented this time. The authors of the Realistic Damage Texture Pack managed to configure the changes that will occur if some mob takes damage in battle.
It is noteworthy that the more blows he receives, the more noticeable the injuries become. Bruises, bruises, abrasions, and other wounds appear. Among the possible creatures that already have this functionality, players can note:
creeper, all kinds of spiders, and blaze;
Dragon, enderman, elder guardian;
piglin brute, zoglin, witch.
What if the Realistic Damage texture pack does not work?
Try to activate the experimental game mode.
Can I use it on servers?
Yes, you are free to use it on public servers.
How do I install this texture pack?
The file is in .mcpack extension, so just tap on the file to automatically install the modification.