Download Bubbles Mod for Minecraft PE: make the surrounding space joyful and colorful, arrange a real holiday for friends, or try something new and unusual.
Bubbles Mod for Minecraft Bedrock Edition
Absolutely all children and even many adults love to inflate soap bubbles and watch them rise beautifully into the air. Now Minecraft Bedrock Edition will have another way to create a festive atmosphere for yourself and your friends. The authors of these mods have tried to make the gameplay light and airy, just like these beautiful flying balls.
To use all the features of Bubbles Mod, players need to know the basic rules of these updates. Heroes can craft new items on their own or get ready-made options. Most importantly, do not forget to turn on experimental settings to take advantage of all the innovations.
This time, the author of Bubbles Mod just decided to replace all the buttons on the main screen in MCPE with colorful balls similar to soap bubbles. This creates a festive and completely relaxed atmosphere in the cubic world.
Also, after installing the update, the background of the inventory and all menu windows will change. Add more bright and juicy colors to the game design, making your adventures even more diverse.
There are quite simple crafting recipes in this mod. The first thing that Minecraft PE players will need to do is a bubble stick, an ordinary stick will do this. You will also need a special liquid – take a glass bottle, sweet berries, and dye for it. If the berries are luminous, then the resulting balls will glow in the dark.
Next, just take the resulting wand in the main hand, and the liquid in the other. The longer the player interacts with them, the larger the size of the resulting ball will be. In total, 16 different colors can be created in Bubbles Mod.
How do I install this Bubbles mod?
The file is in .mcaddon extension, so just tap on the file to automatically install the modification.
Can this mod be run in a multiplayer game?
Yes, for this it is enough just to be the owner of the map and install this modification on it.